There were multiple requests lately to write a mini tutorial on my recipee for riveting, so I therefore comply:
Tools you’ll need (well, including optional ones):
- Superglue
- A pin or something similar (in my case a sculpting tool)
- Pin vice with a thin dril
- Ruler and compasses with pin in both ends (optional)
- A scapel or an engraver tool (optional)
- Something like a metal rod with a blunt end
- Micro beads for nail art
Step 1.
Drill small holes in he surface you work with. Optionally you can draw a line and mark the rivets with compasses with pins in both ends. Sometimes I skip this and just drill the holes using eyeball Mk1.
Step 2.
Widen the topmost parts of the holes with a scapel or an engraver’s tool.
Step 3.
Pour a drop of superglue on someting, and using a pin or something similar, put some glue in the holes
Step 4.
Using the glued pin, find a suitable piece of bead and place it into the hole
Step 5.
Using the handle of the scapel (or something similar, this case the bottom end of a file) apply a little pressure ont he bead. Pushing them into the hole a bit makes the bond much sturdier. At this point you might want to sand the excess soperglue from the plasticard
This is the end result
Some remarks on micro beads
Micro beads are used in nail art and are available over the internet (eBay) or –like in my case – around the corner in the local nail art shop. Small pleasures of living downtown. Anyway they come in different colours and sizes. Unfortunately the beads –especially the small ones - are not perfectly uniform in size or shape, so you have to select them all the time. They are made of glass I think, so they are quite hard. One more thing: and the colouring is diluted by superglue – don’t worry they will not melt.
The biggest advantage is that they are dirt cheap, a small vial sells for about €0,8, and that amout will last you for about 50 years if you rivet Baneblades every day.
Good luck riveting!